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Collier Pépite


  • Material: porcelain, quartz, gold-plated
  • Finish: matte bisque porcelain bead
  • Dimensions (mm): bead 35×28, chain length 400mm

The Nugget Necklace, is composed of a faceted pebble-shaped pearl. Falsely rough, in mat porcelain cookie, it highlights the whiteness and the so fine grain of the porcelain. The gold-plated chain and a fine pearl sparkles. The delicate rose of a rose quartz mixes with this composition.

History of the project: I imagine porcelain jewels that form elegant and racy multi-material compositions. I wish to leave the white of the porcelain and confront it with precious metals and stones to play with contrasts. I wish to offer women a luminous and stylish look.

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Histoire du projet : J’imagine des bijoux de porcelaine qui forment des compositions multi-matières racées et élégantes. Je souhaite laisser la part belle au blanc de la porcelaine et le confronter aux métaux précieux, aux pierres pour jouer les contrastes. Je souhaite proposer aux femmes une allure lumineuse et stylée.

Nugget neckless History of the project: I imagine porcelain jewels that form elegant and racy multi-material compositions. I wish to leave the white of the porcelain and confront it with precious metals and stones to play with contrasts. I wish to offer women a luminous and stylish look.

Création : la VILLALONGA

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Conseils d’utilisation

Ne pas vaporiser de parfum directement sur le bijoux. Nettoyer le bijou avec un chiffon doux.

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